I should explain, the Trev Report is an e-mail I send out to lots of people (family, friends, etc.) every-so-often keeping them up-to-date on all of Trev's news; like Lovelife, Anime, School, Work, Life, and stuff like that. So read up!
Currently there are hundreds of people I e-mail the Trev Report to monthly. If you too want to receive the Trev Report go to www.topica.com/lists/trevreport or send a BLANK e-mail to trevreport-subscribe@topica.com.
This is the archive of the Trev Reports. The archive was inspired by Mike Chu, a good friend of mine from Van Nuys High School. (in Van Nuys, CA; that's where I went :p)
- 2007-07-03 tTR070703
- 2007-06-01 tTR070601
- 2007-01-30 tTR070130
- 2006-07-13 tTR060713 - Sixth and Final of a 10,000+ word series on Golden Week!
- 2006-06-30 tTR060630 - Fifth of a 10,000+ word series on Golden Week!
- 2006-06-14 tTR060614 - Fourth of a 10,000+ word series on Golden Week!
- 2006-06-07 tTR060607 - Third of a 10,000+ word series on Golden Week!
- 2006-05-30 tTR060530 - Second of a 10,000+ word series on Golden Week! Listen to Trev speak!
- 2006-05-19 tTR060519 - First of a 10,000+ word series on Golden Week! Listen to Trev speak!
- 2006-04-10 tTR060410 - Listen to Trev speak!
- 2006-03-07 tTR060307 - Listen to the MP3
- 2006-02-13 tTR060213 - Listen to the MP3
- 2006-01-09 tTR060109 - Listen to the MP3
- 2005-12-07 tTR051207 - Listen to the MP3
- 2005-11-07 tTR051107 - Listen to the MP3
- 2005-10-07 tTR051007 - Listen to the MP3
- 2005-09-08 tTR050908 - Listen to the MP3
- 2005-08-08 tTR050808
- 2005-06-07 tTR050607
- 2005-05-09 tTR050509
- 2005-04-07 tTR050407
- 2005-03-08 tTR050308
- 2005-02-14 tTR050214
- 2005-01-20 tTR050120
- 2004-12-08 tTR041208
- 2004-11-08 tTR041108
- 2004-10-10 tTR041010
- 09/08/2004 tTR040908
- 08/09/2004 tTR040809
- 07/07/2004 tTR040707
- 06/10/2004 tTR040610
- 04/06/2004 tTR040406
- 03/05/2004 tTR040305
- 01/08/2004 tTR040108
- 11/02/2003 tTR031102
- 09/14/2003 tTR030914 -- First Trev Report from Japan in 3 years!!!
- 07/11/2003 tTR030711 -- FanimeCon and AX 2003 reports, last report from USA!
- 06/09/2003 tTR030609
- 05/07/2003 tTR030507
- 04/07/2003 tTR030407
- 03/07/2003 tTR030307
- 02/07/2003 tTR030207
- 01/07/2003 tTR030107
- 11/26/2002 tTR021126
- 10/27/2002 tTR021027
- 09/25/2002 tTR020925
- 07/25/2002 tTR020725
- 06/27/2002 tTR020627
- 05/28/2002 tTR020528 -- The Wedding Report!
- 05/01/2002 tTR020501 -- FanimeCon 2002 Report 4/24 - 4/26
- 03/21/2002 tTR020321
- 02/25/2002 tTR020225
- 01/23/2002 tTR020123
- 12/27/2001 tTR011227
- 11/25/2001 tTR011125
- 10/23/2001 tTR011023
- 09/24/2001 tTR010924
- 08/21/2001 tTR010821
- 07/24/2001 tTR010724
- 06/25/2001 tTR010625
- 05/01/2001 tTR010501 -- SakuraCon 2001 Report 4/27 - 4/29 / Graduation Edition
- 03/21/2001 tTR010321
- 02/23/2001 tTR010223 -- Article in the Seattle Times
- 01/08/2001 tTR010108 -- Snail Mail request
- 01/06/2001 tTR010106
- 12/01/2000 tTR001201
- 11/01/2000 tTR001101
- 09/18/2000 tTR000918
- 08/10/2000 tTR000810
- 07/06/2000 tTR000706 -- Anime Expo 2000 Report 6/30 - 7/3
- 06/04/2000 tTR000604
- 05/05/2000 tTR000505
- 04/05/2000 tTR000405
- 03/09/2000 tTR000309
- 02/01/2000 tTR000201
- 01/13/2000 tTR000113
- 12/13/1999 tTR991213
- 11/30/1999 tTR991130 -- little hellos
- 11/16/1999 tTR991116
- 10/21/1999 tTR991021
- 10/02/1999 tTR991002
- 08/18/1999 tTR990818
- 07/19/1999 track3 -- Anime Expo 1999 Report 7/16 - 7/18
- 06/23/1999 tTR990623
- 06/01/1999 tTR990601
- 09/26/1998 tTR980926
- 07/28/1998 tTR980728
- 07/09/1998 tTR980709
- 06/18/1998 tTR980618
- 05/26/1998 tTR980526
- 05/06/1998 tTR980506
- 04/27/1998 tTR980427
- 03/02/1998 tTR980302
- 02/10/1998 tTR980210
- 01/27/1998 tTR980127
- 01/20/1998 tTR980120
- 01/13/1998 tTR980113
- 01/02/1998 tTR980102
- 12/09/1997 tTR971209
- 12/02/1997 tTR971202
- 11/18/1997 tTR971118
- 11/04/1997 tTR971104
- 10/28/1997 tTR971028
- 10/14/1997 tTR971014
- 10/07/1997 tTR971007
- 09/30/1997 tTR970930
- 09/20/1997 tTR970920
- 08/12/1997 tTR970812
- 08/01/1997 tTR970801
- 07/17/1997 tTR970717
- 07/10/1997 tTR970710
- 07/02/1997 tTR970702
- 06/26/1997 tTR970626
- 06/20/1997 tTR970620
- 06/11/1997 tTR970611
- 04/13/1997 tTR970413
- 03/28/1997 tTR970328
- 12/17/1996 tTR961217
- 12/11/1996 tTR961211