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Dark-skinned Cat-like Female Anime Character
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Created by Trevor Menagh
Last Modified 1/7/2004
830 Oaza shimoakana
Akagi Town, Iishi-gun, Shimane-ken
690-3513, JAPAN
jumex (AT) trevreport.org
To apply my skills in the Japanese language and computer science in
Japan and abroad.
BS Computer Science/Japanese Area Studies
Washington State University
May 2001
Foreign Exchange Student
Kansai Gaidai University,
Osaka, Japan
August 1999 - May 2000
Assistant Language Teacher
Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET)
August 2003 - Present
- Communicated primarily in Japanese, promoting cultural diversity
throughout Japan.
- Taught English to junior high school, elementary school, and nusery
school with classroom sizes up to 40 students.
- Hosted a bi-monthly English conversation class for about 10-15
- Hosted a television English conversation show that was broadcasted
across the entire county.
Customer Service Representative
September 2002 - August 2003
- Increased customer support throughput by over 50% through automation
tools and developing standards of practice.
- Answered over 100 emails per day from customers, solving problems with
orders and products.
- Managed over 25 phone calls per day from often hostile customer,
resolving their issues and correcting their situations.
- Utilized live chat to assist over 15 people per day on order issues and
customer support problems.
Software Engineer
iambic, Inc.
May 2001 - July 2002
- Increased performance of MIME parsing in leading email client for the
Palm OS by over 60%.
- Designed and implemented the first practical implementation of
receiving and sending of email attachments on a Palm OS Device.
- Developed from the ground up a complete IMAP email client.
- Employed Palm and Handspring APIs to implement Short Message Service in
a Palm OS email client.
- Spearheaded the design and implementation of Sony's HighRes+ 320x480
display support in multiple PalmOS applications.
- Created a contact history, multiple line viewing, and email integration
into a leading date book and contact manager for the Palm OS.
- Lead engineer for FastWriter, a
full-featured word processor for the PalmOS.
- Programmed in C and C++ using CodeWarrior for PalmOS.
Software Engineering Intern
Seattle Lab, Inc.
Summer 1999, Summer 2000
- Created the first working POP-Authenticated Relaying system for
a commercial mail server.
- Implemented in
SLMail 4.0, the system allows users logging into the mail server from a
remote host to relay messages through
SLMail when anti-relaying is on, if they are valid system users.
- Learned MIME
standards for message encoding and implemented an encoding/decoding scheme
for MIME types in
- Worked on
SLMail e-mail server for Windows NT 4.0,
learned SMTP mailing
- Fixed various bugs in the anti-relay and anti-spam filters for
SLMail, for example allowing routing exceptions to be accepted through
an anti-relay filter.
Software Engineering Intern
3COM - Palm Computing
Summer 1997, May 1998 - December 1998
Residential Computer Consultant
WSU Residential
August 1997 - May 1999
- Installed Ethernet cards in Macintosh, PC, and Laptop computers.
- Troubleshot software and hardware networking problems on Macintosh, PC,
and Laptop computers with Ethernet and Dial-up problems.
- Worked while attending full-time university and working a second job
WSU Water Quality Management
March 1996 - May 1999
Technical Assistant
WSU EECS Electronic Services
March 1996 - May 1997
- Responsible for organizing student labs for use, testing lab equipment,
and maintaining testing tools.
- Worked while attending full-time university and working a second job
Computer Accessory Salesman
Fry's Electronics
Summer 1995
- Provided on average 25-30 customers a day with technical information
and advice when buying computer hardware and supplies.
Panels Department Manager and Assistant Guest Relations
- Managed all live programming panels hosted at two fan conventions with
over 6,000 people in attendance.
- Assisted with guest of honor arrangements, and insured all foreign and
domestic guests were not harassed at the conventions.
- Created a 3-day schedule of events for the convention, taking care of
all panel reservations and insuring that panelists show up to all their
Staff Member
No-Name Anime
2001 - 2003
- Helped boost PR by expanding exposure and creating partnerships with
local businesses like the Camera
- Worked with other staff
members to arrange monthly meetings, select showings, and create
friendly atmosphere for anime fans in the Silicon Valley area.
Founder and Former President
Washington State University Anime
- Taught Japanese to a small group of Anime Club members as an official
expansion of the club.
- Helped with promotional campaigns, and well as supply the club with
animation to show.
- Worked on fundraising projects, organized weekly anime showings, and
was a liaison between the school and the club.
Team Member
Team-Oriented Software Practicum
- The Team-Oriented
Software Practicum taught students how to work in a small team
environment on real world project in the early handheld industry.
- Worked on many Apple Newton
software projects including powerBack and transForm from powerPen
PR Chair
Association for Computer Machinery, WSU
Student Branch
1995 - 1997, 2000-2001
- Organized fundraisers and club promotional events.
- Assisted in departmental events such as biannual Career Fairs.
- Taught an introductory class on HTML for ACM members and helped members
create their own homepages.
Team Engineer
WSU Robotics Team
1995 - 1997
Student Member
IEEE Computer Society, WSU Student Chapter
1995 - 1997
- Helped in organizing IEEE
Career Fair activities and guiding guests around at the Fair.
- Assisted officers of IEEE
with computer tasks and helped to increase meeting attendance.
Phi Sigma Iota, The International
Foreign Language Honor Society,Beta
Omicron Chapter
Inducted 2000
- Phi Sigma Iota is an honor
society for those who excel in foreign languages.
- Only the top 10% of Foreign
Language majors or minors in the school are invited to join.
- Applicants must also be in the top 35% of their class as a whole to be
Eagle Scout
Boy Scouts of America
Awarded 1995
- The Eagle Scout Award is the
highest rank one can achieve in the Boy Scouts of America.
- This rank culminates 11 years of scouting for me, an experience that
taught me both leadership skills and people management.
Graduated with Honors
Van Nuys High School, Math Science Magnet
- To graduate with honors I was acknowledged as falling into the top 35%
of my graduating class of 750 people.
Second Place
LAUSD/LBUSD Rockwell International Computer Science Contest
- With a partner, I developed an interactive boxing simulator complete
with punching board that monitored accuracy, speed, and control of the