The blog of jumex - A Dubiously Digital Diglot


Carp Carp Fun Action

天気: 晴 行事: パラオのカープ島


Journal for 2005-1-2 to 5 Sun. to Wed.
Weather: Sunny Plan: Carp Island, Palau

This morning we went to stay at Carp Island, which has a lot of Japanese guests. It has been a long time since I have heard and spoken Japanese. We explored the odd trees and shells on this island. The most interesting tree here is the big "Ban Yang" tree. The roots of these trees are very long. A long time ago the Palauans used large stone money. We saw that money today. It is bigger that my entire body! We swan to a small island close by and saw some fish. Most of the guests on Carp Island are divers, so when the diving boats leave, there is no one here!
Today we went on a World War II land tour at Peleliu Island. It was interesting, but a little sad. 6,000 Americans and 11,000 Japanese died here. The Americans planned for a 3 day attack, but it turned into a 2 month battle. In the tour we saw a Zero plane and American and Japanese tanks. There were Japanese people in the tour, so it was mostly in Japanese. 60 years ago Japanese and Americans were killing each other, and now we are walking peacefully together. It is becoming a good world.
We went on a tour of Carp Island today. We saw some big fish while we were snorkeling. In English a bunch of the same type of fish swimming together is called a "school of fish." Weird, huh? We kayaked all around Carp Island. On the other side of the island there lives a painter called Mark that is painting a big mural. He has been working on it for 2 months. It is really beautiful. We also went to a fun little sandbar in the middle of the ocean. It felt like a little island. This evening we finished reading "Howl's Moving Castle." :) It is a little different from the movie.
Today we went intro diving! Intro diving is like real diving, but the dive instructor is guiding you from above. We went to Big Drop Off and the famous Blue Corner (but not the famous part that is for pros). I went 52 feet on my first dive, and 68 feet on the second dive. The instructor, Tina, said that I am a good diver. I didn't have any problems during my dives. :) Maybe in the future I will get my diving license on the Oki Islands. It's a different world under the sea. This was a good adventure for our last day of vacation.

Today's Kanji
Meaning (意味): new

Chinese Reading (音読み):
Reading Romaji
Japanese Reading (訓読み):
Reading Romaji
Vocabulary (単語):
Word Reading Romaji Translation
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