The blog of jumex - A Dubiously Digital Diglot


8th grade date!

Today's Journal

平成16年12月9日木曜 天気:晴 行事:赤来中


2004-12-9 Thu. Weather: Sunny Plan: Akagi JHS

I taught my favorite 9th grade master course today. The theme of our conversation was "hobbies." They translated my short essay and afterwards answered a few questions. All 4 students answered very well. We has a skit contest in the 8th grade class! Groups of 4 or 5 performed 3 or 4 minute skits in English! We recorded it with a camcorder. The most interesting skit was with Shun Myoken and Azumi Miyazaki going on a date! It is rare to see girls and boys openly share their feelings together, since this is junior high and all, but the super energetic 8th graders aren't shy!

Today's Kanji
Meaning (意味): seven

Chinese Reading (音読み):
Reading Romaji
Japanese Reading (訓読み):
Reading Romaji
Vocabulary (単語):
Word Reading Romaji Translation
七五三しちごさんshichigosanFestival held for children at ages 3, 5 and 7
七福神しちふくじんshichigukujinThe Seven Lucky Gods (Chinese Myth)
七宝しっぽうshippouthe seven treasures (gold, silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, lapis lazuli)
七日なのか・なぬかnanoka/nanuka7th day of the month

アニ貴、無料オンラインアニメ専門事典 - 読んで、楽しんで、寄稿して


9:50 PM、 Blogger Jason H. said...

My 8th graders are shy - at least the ones in my sentaku class. I tried to teach them "The Twelve Days of Christmas" today, but seeing how they barely speak in class anyways, trying to get them to sing out loud about turtle doves and lords-a-leapin' was nigh impossible.

You got boy-girl interaction? You must be the ALT messiah! ;)

7:57 AM、 Blogger jumex said...

The boy-girl interaction wasn't me, Azumi is a total attention hog, and she has neven been shy of the guys.

Don't worry about your 8th graders. Once you start your 2nd year people start to warm up to you even more than they do now!


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