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Practice FSWE Essay 5

Please evaluate my practice FSWE essay.

I handwrote this essay in 50 minutes in accordance with the rules of the FSWE. I will present it without spellchecking or editing so to represent the actual essay as it was written.

When evaluating please be aware of the following:

Testing Rubric:
1-3 are failing marks. 4-6 are passing. The essay is read and grded by two people and their scores are added together for a total maximum score of 12. So the goal is to get at least a 4. 4 is good enough.

A paper at this level is adequately developed. The writer’s purpose is clear and the analysis is generally supported by relevant examples. The writer’s rationale may not always be fully developed. The paper has a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion, but the structure may be too obvious and ideas may be subordinated to structure. Alternatively, the paper may exhibit lapses in organization. Transitions are usually used effectively. Sentences clearly express meaning and exhibit some variety, but there may be some repetition. Word choice is appropriate to the audience and is usually precise. While there may be some errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, a competency with language is apparent. The errors may be distracting, but they only occasionally impede understanding.

A paper at this level is well developed. The writer’s purpose is well defined and, for the most part, the analysis is supported by sound reasoning and relevant, effective examples. Analysis and judgment may show thought and insight. The writer’s rationale is well developed and integrated into the text of the paper. The structure is logical and coherent, with clear organization, an effective opening and closing, and effective transitions. Sentences are usually concise and varied in structure. Word choice is usually precise, varied, and is appropriate to the audience. The writing shows good command of the language. There may be occasional errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, but the errors pose minor distraction and they do not impede understanding.

A paper at this level is substantially developed. The writer’s purpose is very well defined and the analysis is supported by sound reasoning and relevant, effective examples. Analysis and judgment show thought and insight. The writer’s rationale is very well developed and very well integrated into the text of the paper. The structure is unified and coherent, with clear organization, an effective opening and closing, and effective transitions. Sentences are concise, interesting, and varied in structure. Word choice is precise, varied, and appropriate to the audience. The writing is fluent and shows superior command of the language. There may be occasional errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, but the errors pose minor distraction and they do not impede understanding.

The topic:
The killing in the Darfur area of Sudan continues, in spite of extensive negotiations by the African Union and the United Nations.UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has asked the U.S. and NATO to provide air support for peace keepers provided by the African Union. What do you perceive are the issues in Darfur and what strategies are most likely to be effective/successful in stopping the killing and conflict? What roles should the U.S., NATO, and the U.N. play?

My essay:

The International Role in Darfur

     The horrors in the Darfur region of Sudan must be stopped at any cost. That is what many international organizations proclaim, but to do so, international peace-keeping troops have to take a more active role in the region. The U.N. and NATO must take over peace-keeping activities from the ill-trained and ill-equiped African Union (AU), the U.S. should back them with limited troop and financial support, and the Sudanese government needs stronger international checks to their powerbase.
     The Sudanese powerbase is but one problem Plaguing the peace-keeping efforts in the region. The AU forces charged with stopping the violence in the region and setting up livable environments for the thousands left without homes or food in the area are poorly equipped due to funding hold-ups and lack highly trained professionals to teach their troops. By bringing in the "blue hats" of the U.N. peace-keeping forces, as proposed, the AU wil get the added numbers, and more importainly, added expertise of seasoned troops. The UN forces alone cannot ensure success in the region, however. Without the support of NATO forces it would only be a matter of time before the region is once again under rebel control.
     Indeed, the U.S. also does not want to see the rebels in power, but their support of the fighting is a much sticker situation. The three-year ongoing and failing war in Iraq has turned the U.S. public against involvement in foreign conflicts. With 2006 being an election year and xenophobia and cries to send the troops in Iraq home, giving military support to Darfur is a dangerous political proposition. Nonetheless, few, when presented with the atrocities caused in Darfur would deny that support is needed. Thus the U.S. position should be cautious. Agreeing to air support would please both the homeguard, since U.S. personal casulities would be at a minimum, while still satisfying international obligation to an obviously horrible situation. Along with military aid, the international community, and especially the very wealthy U.S., should continue to offer financial and humanitarian aid to the region for the duration of the conflict. Financial aid is a win-win while military aid has the set back of causalities.
     A cavaet: financial aid is a win-win if and only if it is utilized in productive ways, not as an aid to corruption. The Sudanese government, like many in the African contient, is riddled with cases of corruption and aid misappropreation. As a condition of foreign aid, the Sudanese government should agree to intensive international oversight, not only of aid money allocation, but of government representation and fair treatment of all Peoples. Sudan is split bilaterally with strong Islamists in the North and tribal blacks in the south. For the government to function and if a peace accord is ever to be established the two parties must be forced, with internal and international pressure to work together in government to put an end to corruption and sectarian violence.
     Violence, is unfortunately what brings the international community to the Darfur region, but with increased troop support from the UN and NATO, financial and limited troop support from th US, and international monitering of government and aid fund allocations, with time the Sudanese can once again see peace. War is truly a sad state of affairs, and it is the responsibility of all mankind to end genocidal violence and wanton slauder not only in Darfur, but the world wide.

Please be critical. I want to improve my essay writing skills as much as I can for the test and beyond.

Thank you for your help.



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